Monday, April 30, 2012

Lunch Date with Mimi

This afternoon I drove in to have lunch with Mimi and her friends at school.  I was declared by the girls to be the best mom to ever visit them for lunch.  They also said I was fun and pretty.  I choose to believe they don't say this to ALL the moms.

It was nice to see that Mimi does not have her mother's wallflower tendencies.  She is definitely well-liked and very popular with her classmates:

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lunch Date with Max

Today I had the pleasure of visiting Max and his kindergarten class for lunch and story time.  It was a real treat to be able to spend this time with these adorable children and Max was beaming from ear to ear:

Friday, April 20, 2012

The space between...

I was awoken abruptly in the middle of the night to the sounds of Max calling out "Mama...! Mama...!"
My response?  "Uhhhhhhhhhh."
Undeterred I next heard him say, "MOMMY! Can I open the light? I need to SHOW you something...!"
My response? "Uhhhhhhhhh."
*light flicks on and I crack open my eyes to see a $5.00 bill waving in my face by the most excited little 6 year old bearing the widest toothless smile on the planet*
I quickly went from groaning to trying to stop my tears of joy at the sight of my sweet and innocent child.  In that moment I did what any loving mother would do:
I pulled him into my bed, kissing the top of his head and telling him with utmost sincerity that I am very excited for him followed by, "Now let's shush and go back to sleep..."