Friday, November 2, 2012

Blow Hard.

I think everyone who reads this blog is well aware of my issues with g-u-m, right?   This makes Halloween a very difficult time for me and it is even more so challenging because Max at some point realized he is not allergic to it.  And he apparently loves that stuff.  *sighs* 

To her credit, Mimi continuously explains to Max that "Mommy is allergic and she gets sick when we chew it so we cannot do that."  Thankfully, I traumatized trained her early on so that she is well-aware of the repurcussions of me seeing them with this in their mouths. You can click HERE for that story.

So last night all was quiet on the home front and Max opted to have his dessert come from his Halloween candy stash. He chose a lollipop.  As I quickly learned it was not a lollipop.  It was a BLOW-POP. 

It is simply impossible for me to describe what happened next as it would require tranquilizers to calm me but I was visibly horrified and gagging uncontrollably.  No, really.  I was gagging.  Thankfully Mimi assisted Max with the disposal of the product in a manner by which I would not be subjected to seeing it.

Mimi then looked up at me and very calmly said: "It's okay mommy. I will make sure we throw all of it away now."  

Come to think of it, she was talking to me as if I was a mental patient.

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